Welcome to the CATScan™ Client Survey

In a busy, fast paced environment, it can be hard to know what aspect of your business is working and what needs attention.

But luckily, the people that keep you in business can also help you improve it. By undertaking Business Health's CATScan, your clients will give you an accurate appraisal on how your practice is performing.

As your greatest assets and most important critics, your customers will ultimately determine your success or failure. They see and interact with your business from a different perspective, and can be aware of problems you don't perceive. Unhappy clients can suffer in silence, eventually finding other alternatives or responding to competitor approaches, rather than voicing dissatisfaction.

Even worse than that, they tell their friends. Research shows that dissatisfied clients typically complain to between seven and nine associates about unsatisfactory service or products. That's the kind of word of mouth you don't need. What you do need is to know exactly what problems may exist and how to address them. The information and knowledge a CATScan reveals can help improve the services you provide.

A Business Health CATScan consists of asking your clients questions in nine key performance areas. Their responses remain totally anonymous, allowing them to be brutally honest. In addition, this information will be benchmarked against data gathered by Business Health from many other advisors. This will allow you to see how your business rates against your peers. You'll also get a practical, easy-to-digest report outlining the areas you should concentrate on. Over time, you'll have a valuable tool for tracking your performance and measuring client satisfaction levels. This will result in a much improved business, and a much improved bottom line.

Implementing a CATScan

Firstly, visit our website www.businesshealth.com to register. You can chose either our traditional paper-based CATScan or our new web-based tool and pay online. Within five working days we'll email confirmation, a tax invoice/receipt, and a CATScan implementation kit.

Meanwhile, decide on which clients should be surveyed. Ideally, we recommend your best clients whose opinion you value. This will ensure the most meaningful results possible.

Now, create a mail merge list with relevant client contact details.

Using the templates provided, personalize the survey covering correspondence where appropriate and then forward the CATScan questionnaire to your clients

How do clients react?

In our experience, clients respond positively at the opportunity to participate in a survey designed to improve service. All they are required to do is complete the questionnaire (which will take no longer than five minutes), and return it to us.

What happens next?

You'll get results within twenty working days of the first questionnaire being received by Business Health. This will include a detailed analysis and recommendations, along with a comprehensive personalized report, all of which remain absolutely confidential. Best of all, you'll have a client's-eye-view of your company's strengths and weaknesses, and you'll know how to successfully respond.

Click here to download a CATScan brochure. Click here to purchase a CATScan.

What do advisors think?
"By outsourcing our client survey to Business Health we were able to gain a true insight into what our clients were really thinking. The CATScan system was simple and straight forward and with Business Health controlling the process, it allowed us to keep our key practice resources 100% focused on our existing business activities. The guarantee of complete client confidentiality and anonymity ensured we received totally open and honest feedback and our results were very pleasing and further confirmed the strategic direction of our practice. However, we also learned a great deal and a number of very important issues were raised by our clients and we are now in the process of addressing these. I would recommend the CATScan to any business owner who is serious about delivering exceptional client service – ignorance is not bliss and our clients' perception is our business reality. Also of tremendous help was the insight that Business Health delivered in analysing the results. After doing so many of the surveys they could identify issues and perhaps trends that we would not necessarily of seen ourselves....a fresh set of eyes".

"The CATScan was our chance to see just how much we really knew about our clients. The results were both interesting and useful and we have made significant changes to our business as a result but the overwhelming benefit was clients feeling that we were listening to them and acting on what they told us. Every year we use the results as a key part of our business planning process. The ability to compare our annual results with other practices around Australia gives us a real unbiased measurement of where we stand."

"The CATScan survey is an invaluable tool for our business. Our business is relatively new to the Asian market. And our financial planning offer is unique in the market place. Having the CATScan tool provide us with direct feedback from clients tells us what our existing clients need, and what we need to promote to attract new clients. The CATScan's analysis provides a clear focus for my business to deliver the right actions that deliver long and profitable client relationships. It is an important part of ensuring that our business is relevant to our existing clients and competitive in the Asian market place."

"Through the CATScan process we have gained an insight into what our clients really think about what we are doing for them. The good and the not so good……….it is all valuable information, which we have taken on board and are actioning. What has been especially interesting is analysing the improvement in ratings our clients gave us from one year to the next, given the roll out of our new service levels. It actually showed us that they felt there has been an improvement in what we changed. Because the whole process was very smooth first time around, with minimal disruption to the business, it was an easy decision to do it the second year. Also, judging from the response rate from our clients, together with their anecdotal, they also appreciated the fact that we are proactive in seeking their feedback. We've now made the CATScan part of our business system and look forward to analysing this years feedback!"

"The CATScan converts what is often anecdotal into quantified measurable analysis. This is immensely valuable for our practice development team to work with business partners and diagnose the strengths and areas for improvement in a practice. We incorporate a number of the ratios into the business planning and change management process. For example, we focus on the 'would refer' and 'have referred' scores and determine goals for future performance - this is after all the sharp end of delivering superior advice and service. CATScan isn't just beneficial to practice owners - we find the whole team is keen to learn what their clients think. Using the 9 KPIs for staff goals and focusing the team culture on customer service excellence is a key outcome from the diagnosis. We find CATScan is in fact a marketing initiative. After receiving the report our practices communicate with their clients telling them what was learned and what they are doing about it. So they effectively sell the resulting initiatives to add further value."

"Australian Private Capital (APC) has enjoyed the services of Business Health since 2003. APC engages Business Health to understand:
  1. What our clients think and feel about our advice service
  2. How we can improve our advice service over time, and
  3. How our advice service benchmarks against other professional advice firms.
The CATScan service is an integral part of our internal management process and we now have evidence of client satisfaction with the efforts of our team across the year and over time. Business Health has always been professional and reliable in its dealings with us and has always been available to answer our questions and provide valuable advice."